+27 083 775 6202 raystclair@chillibyte.com

Can You Do Your Own Golf Cart Maintenance?

by Carl Walker Golf carts are something that many people not only want to have but also need to have. It can be awfully tiring to trek across the golf course every day and for some people, especially those who are older or not in the best health it can be downright...

Hot Tips for Buying Golf Cart Parts

by John Kirzno If you own a golf cart, then there will be times when you need to purchase parts. These are the nuts and bolts of the machine (sometimes, quite literally), so it’s crucial to take the right steps. Here are some helpful tips to accomplish your...

Golf Cart Accessories

by Bill Degner When playing golf there is a vast choice of equipment, and even the golf cart has many different accessorizes. You will need to decide which ones are essential for your game and which ones you can live without. Some are great and have amazing practical...

Golf Cart Repair Tips

by Steve Christopher If you have a golf cart and it is not working, then there are some tips that will help you in repairing it. As any other machine, golf carts are complicated machines. Before you try repairing your cart, try to identify the real fault with it. You...