+27 083 775 6202 raystclair@chillibyte.com

The Right Golf Swing Technique vs The Wrong One

Knowing The Perfect Golf Swing Technique From The Imperfect One Most golfers believe that the right golf swing technique is one that involves taking the club and raising it straight along the target line after which you can start to make the downswing. There is...

Uncover The Best Way To Evaluate Your Golf Swing

Golf is one of those passions that looks so simple, doesn’t it?   After all, it’s basically somebody moving up to the golf ball and giving it a smash by using a stick, right?  Well, you bet, in it’s most elementary form, that is just what it is… Though, for anyone who...

Here’s Some Golf Driving Tips

The driving stroke in golf is not only your introduction to the course, but of each following hole. Hopefully, these golf driving tips will make this familiarity more delightful. Depending on your personal skill level, 30 feet to 350 yards of fairway to perform...