+27 083 775 6202 raystclair@chillibyte.com

Tips For Improving A Golf Swing

One of the most desired strokes in golf has to be the swing. It takes time to be able to swing the club smoothly and hit a great shot. But when you can improve this shot then your game can improve no end. Most golfers cannot maintain a consistent swing when they first...

Tips For Golf Driving

This is not only your introduction to the course but of each next hole – the driving stoke in golf, Hopefully, these golf driving tips will make this acquaintance more enjoyable. Depending on your personal skill level, 30 feet to 350 yards of fairway to do...

The Perfect Golf Swing Though The Perfect Setup

The perfect setup only, can lead to the perfect golf swing. Absolutely everything in the golf swing is affected by your setup – good setup = good swing, bad setup = bad swing , it’s as simple as that. Swing faults have been claimed to orginate from setup 90% of the...

Useful Golf Help & Advice For Left Handers

Finding golf strategies for left handers is difficult, so where would one begin? Right handed golf players seem to have the majority of golf information intended for them, but why? Well, sorry to say, despite the fact that you’re unique and also special, you are...