+27 083 775 6202 raystclair@chillibyte.com

Golf Carts That Can Be Used In Streets

By Mark Dayne Street legal golf carts may be anything from just custom made golf cars to specific purpose electric cars. They not only cost less than conventional cars, but also are eco-friendly and they won’t need any fuel. Places like retirement communities,...

Things To Look For When Purchasing Used Golf Carts

By George Chappell If you play golf often and have grown tired of renting a golf cart, you might look into used golf carts since they will ultimately save you money in the end. There are many choices when it comes to purchasing used, and some pitfalls to stay clear...

What To Look For In A Quality Used Golf Cart

By Thomas Johnsen More and more golfers are taking the plunge and becoming golf cart owners of late. While some golfers still scoff at the notion of using a cart to get around the course, others realize the incredible convenience, ease, and speed of play which it...

Tips On How To Buy A Used Golf Cart

By Steadman Issenburg More and more golfers in recent years are choosing to buy their own golf cart instead of just renting them when they play. Many feel that owning their own cart is actually cheaper in the long run. And for some, there are clear advantages to...

How To Buy A Used Golf Cart

By John Kirzno While you may have considered buying a used car or truck, how about a used golf cart? Besides being used on a golf course, carts are also popular at places such as campgrounds, construction sites, and retirement homes. And while you’d probably...

Benefits And Prices Of Used Golf Carts

By Steve Christopher A used golf cart can save you a lot in buying a fresh one. With the tremendous demand for golf carts today, more and more people are looking for buying fresh and used ones to serve their purposes. Since these vehicles are now being used inside and...