+27 083 775 6202 raystclair@chillibyte.com

By Steve Christopher

Golf cart heaters are used for getting heat on icy mornings. There are different types of compact car heaters available in the market. Normally, the mid-sized and small sized heaters use propane as fuel. And in the case of expensive heaters, they are fuelled by the main electrical circuit that is present in the golf cart. Stainless steel or other materials are used for manufacturing small heaters. They are mounted on the dashboard. These cart heaters can be used throughout the winter months. But in those countries where highly cold climate is present in most part of the year, they may need a large or mid-range cart heaters.

The price of small cart heaters ranges between US$ 40 to 60. The provided propane cylinder can work up to 7 hours of usage. They can be easily purchased from local hardware stores and they’ll be able to give an output of 3000 British thermal units of heat. They are enough for those countries where cold climate is present only at winter months. But for those countries, that are having a heavy cold climate, the large sized cart heaters should be used. They use the electrical power from the carts motor. There won’t be any need of replacing propane cylinders in the case of an electrical golf cart heaters. This will save a lot of time.

Normally, electric golf cart heaters are available in both 36 and 48 V types. There will be complete installation instructions available with them. Even though there won’t be any need of replacing the cylinders in the case of electric heaters, they’ll be costly compared to their gas counterparts. There are individual golf cart seat warmers that are available which can be connected into the electrical circuit of carts. They are available in 48, 36 and 12 V ranges. They’ll be provided with an on/off switch and made of fade resistant and mildew resistant fabrics. They can be used together with dashboard heaters. These seat warmers are particularly great in the back seats of a four passenger golf cart, as it will be difficult for the dashboard heater to reach.