+27 083 775 6202 raystclair@chillibyte.com

True Golfing Talent Is A Mind Over Matter Issue

An idea as old as dirt and that certainly applies to your golf game is “Mind Over Matter”. As in any effort , good mental preparation is important to excel and it is an easy thing to do. Having good golf clubs is not enough, good mental training is also...

Free Online Golf Lessons For Everyone

There are a lot of golfers who are already participating in the sport for years however many players continue to commit numerous basic errors that newcomers typically have. Normally, this is typical in golfers whom have never taken any proper golfing lessons. Golfing...

Approach Shots, How To Get Backspin

Creating back spin on a your approach shot into a close pin position, is perhaps the most outstanding shot in golf. It draws gasps of a amazement from the onlookers and enables golfers to attack the most difficult pin positions. But how do they do it. To get a golf...